Sunday 27 September 2009

Magazine Advert - Analysis

Below are a few examples of different magazine album adverts as you can see they are all very different but they all have certain similarities
Firstly, they all contain a picture or name of the band/ artist that have created the album. This is to target and to sell to people that already know of the band and enjoy their music. Depending on how big the band or artist have been depends on how big the artist name is in comparison to the album title, if this is one of many albums from a very popular band they will focus more on getting the artist name across rather than the album title. If they are a relatively new band they will focus on catching people's attentions with the album title.

Secondly, they all include release dates this is to show the audience of the advert when they can hope to get their hands on the album. This plays a very important role as then the reader can plan to go out and get it as soon as it comes out instead of looking in every now and then because they aren’t sure if it is out yet. Also along with the release dates some adverts include places that you can purchase the CD from, for example the Ian Brown ad has the easily recognisable HMV logo.

Lastly they all contain complimentary visuals for example the Mika advert. Mika’s songs are known for being upbeat and happy, this advert reflects this as the colours are very bright and stand out.

By using these various techniques the designers of these adverts maximise their chances of anyone viewing these adverts eventually buying the album.

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