The narrative will follow the lyrics of the song as they're are quite versatile to represent literally. For example, 'I sat on a wall till your parents drove by,' could be easily shown in i-stop motion using plasticine figures and props. The audience will relate to the artist's thoughts also as they are represented through both the lyrics and visuals.
Costume and Props
A box will be used as the setting for the i-stop motion parts in order to keep consistency with lighting throughout the shots. Most props used within the box will be made out of plasticine or card, some props will be plastic figures used for dolls houses or playmobile etc. This keeps in line with Hammer & Tongs playful theme, child like and abstract influences.
The tone of the video will represent the artist, David Ford, as an approachable, genuine, nice guy. The video will have a 'cute' factor, giving it wider appeal so the audience can range from a child to adult.
To keep in with the childlike/playful theme we will use bright primary colours in the video. the objects made out of plasticine will be similar colours to the real life objects that they portray , but the colours will be intensified.
The length of the shots will relate to the pace of the music. The music has a slow pace therefore the shots will be of a long length and rather than having sharp cuts between them, the cuts will be more gradual.
Costume and Props
A box will be used as the setting for the i-stop motion parts in order to keep consistency with lighting throughout the shots. Most props used within the box will be made out of plasticine or card, some props will be plastic figures used for dolls houses or playmobile etc. This keeps in line with Hammer & Tongs playful theme, child like and abstract influences.
The tone of the video will represent the artist, David Ford, as an approachable, genuine, nice guy. The video will have a 'cute' factor, giving it wider appeal so the audience can range from a child to adult.
To keep in with the childlike/playful theme we will use bright primary colours in the video. the objects made out of plasticine will be similar colours to the real life objects that they portray , but the colours will be intensified.
The length of the shots will relate to the pace of the music. The music has a slow pace therefore the shots will be of a long length and rather than having sharp cuts between them, the cuts will be more gradual.
How our music video will relate to Goodwin's Theory
Genre Characteristics- The indie genre of music is seen to be stereotypically quirky and often doesn't comply with the conventional image of celebrity bands. This is demonstrated in the indie genre of music videos. Below is a shot from the video 'Pumping on Your Stereo' by Supergrass that reflects the unique and innovative attributes of many indie music videos.
We plan to use bright colours, abstract mise-en-scene and an engaging storyline to ensure that our video concept complies to the generic characteristics of most indie music videos.

Lyrics and visuals - Our music video will definatly have a strong link between the lyrics and visuals as all action taking place will replicate what the artist is singing. The lyrics in this song describe a situation more than a feeling which allows to us to use complementary visuals throughout.
We will also have the artist(the plasticine representation of the artist) singing the lyrics. The images below are just some sample shots we did using the concept of i-stop motion to make it look as if a figure is speaking/singing." border="0">
Music and visuals - There will not be such a strong connection between music and visuals as the video will be shot from one angle and will not have a variation of shot types that change on the beat. Our main focus is on the literal representation of the lyrics and the representation of the artist and we didn't want rapid shot changes to draw the viewers attention away from this. We are however going to swap to the real-life shots during the instrumental sections at the beginning and end of the song.
Notion of Looking - By setting our music video within a box it gives the viewer the impression that they are looking into something hidden or private and encourages the viewer to engage with the artist and want to watch further into the video.
This sample from our storyboard shows how the use of the box will give the viewer the impression that they are looking into something personal.
Intertextual References - Elements of our music video relate to childrens tv programmes, characters and themes. Childrens television programmes are often seen to be playful and friendly, this intertextuality encourages the viewer to see the artist as having similar attributes.
We will also have the artist(the plasticine representation of the artist) singing the lyrics. The images below are just some sample shots we did using the concept of i-stop motion to make it look as if a figure is speaking/singing.
Music and visuals - There will not be such a strong connection between music and visuals as the video will be shot from one angle and will not have a variation of shot types that change on the beat. Our main focus is on the literal representation of the lyrics and the representation of the artist and we didn't want rapid shot changes to draw the viewers attention away from this. We are however going to swap to the real-life shots during the instrumental sections at the beginning and end of the song.
Notion of Looking - By setting our music video within a box it gives the viewer the impression that they are looking into something hidden or private and encourages the viewer to engage with the artist and want to watch further into the video.
This sample from our storyboard shows how the use of the box will give the viewer the impression that they are looking into something personal.

For the i-stop motion section of the music video, the setting will seem as if it changes as the lyrics progress. Also, it will be reflective of the normal 'world' however made of plasticine. When the scene changes, e.g. ' And I walked to your door,' A backdrop of a house with a door will be inserted at the back of the box. The other section of the video will be, again, set in a normal everyday situation where the protagonist will sit on a bench as if he's reminiscing playing the guitar. Overall we have a mixture of performance and narrative based setting.
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